Monday, November 13, 2017

What is Peace? Remembrance Day presentation

Last week we spent some time reading about Peace and reflecting on what it means to us. On Friday, we presented our ideas in the form of a video titled "What is Peace?"  Many of our family and loved ones attended our Remembrance Day ceremony. If you were unable to attend, you can view our presentation below:

Not was this a great learning experience about the sacrifices many men and women have made for our country, but we learned about different ways to use technology to communicate a message!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Class Dojo - Growth Mindset

Over the last few weeks, we have been working on having a growth mindset.

You may have heard about Class Dojo! We watched a series of videos where we learned that our brain is a muscle that we can exercise by trying things that are challenging. I have posted this 5 episode series below. We are using the lessons in each episode in our learning everyday and I am proud of the perseverance I am seeing from everyone. 

These videos might be helpful at home as well:

Chapter 2: Mojo Bounces Back

A Peek at Our Week

Please click below to enlarge our weekly newsletter:

November Calendar