Homework Expectations

In order to become better readers, students will be asked to practice reading at home each week night (Monday-Thursday). This time can be spent reading and discussing the books.  Homework books should be at their easy or just-right level.  This is so your child can work on their fluency and phrasing without being slowed down by solving words.
You will notice that your child has 3-4 reading selections in their BEE bag each week. Each morning, your child will choose their reading book in class and record it on their Reading Log. Please have your child read their book to you and initial the reading log.

Some ideas for discussing your child's reading:

In addition to reading, your child will be expected to review other concepts during the week. Please review the newsletter each week for ways to support your child's learning at home. 

In grades 1 and 2, students are expected to 15-20 minutes each evening.  If it is taking longer than this, please let me know and we can work something out.  

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